Media Service Version (2011) NEW
the generosity of the Leverhulme Trust and the work of Mark Turin
and Claire Wheeler, all the interviews are now available for download
in a wide range of formats through the Streaming Media Service of
Cambridge University. An archive version of all films will continue
to be stored on DSpace, but we see this format as a significant advance.
You can access the alphabetical list of interviews by CLICKING THE IMAGE ABOVE. The streaming media version can be accessed by clicking
SMS beside the name
of the interviewee you wish to see instead of clicking the name as previously.
to the collection
interviews were started by Jack Goody in 1982. He arranged for the filming
of seminars by Audrey Richards, Meyer Fortes and M.N.Srinivas. Since
then, with the help of others, and particularly Sarah Harrison, I have
filmed and edited over ninety archival interviews. Having started with
leading anthropologists, my subjects have broadened to include other
social scientists and, recently, biological and physical scientists.We
started by using low-band U-matic tape and the quality is not good.
Later, digital cameras became available and recent films (e.g. Geertz),
were made on a Sony three chip camera using a radio microphone. Mark
Turin managed to transfer films from a variety of formats to DV tapes
and developed the web application. Sarah Harrison has done most of the
later transfers to mp4 and has made the summaries of the interviews.Recently
the advent of a large digital store in Cambridge, DSpace, has made it
possible to mount the collection for the web. This has been done with
the help of Tom de Mulder and Xiaoxiao Yan and financial support from
the British Academy. We have also expanded the interviews from anthropology
to other disciplines and interests. New films
are being added quite frequently. If you know of any that should be
added (either by including here, or by a link) or could help by interviewing
a colleague, please let me know am12@cam.ac.uk.
Also please alert me to any errors in the transcripts that accompany
the films.'Anthropological
and other "Ancestors": Notes on Setting up a Visual Archive'
(An article written for Anthropology Today in December 2004)
Alan Macfarlane, Cambridge University